I've gotten plenty of email this past week on why I've not made any comments on various subjects. Well, a lot has happened in the news so I guess I'll comment on some of it.
I gave my opinion on the Alex Rodriguez steroids admission and the media wasn't satisfied with his statement. They got their wish and on the first day of spring training a big press conference was scheduled. He answered the questions but in the end nobody believed a word he said. I think the media would only be satisfied if he had injected himself right there. What do they want from the guy? I will no longer comment on this issue as all that can be done is to stop from here on out. If anybody gets caught now they're stupid, and then I'll write about being stupid.
Speaking of stupid, rap/hip hop star Chris Brown "allegedly" beating up his girlfriend fellow music star Rihanna. First off, why is he beating up a woman? This supposedly perfect 19 year old boy (real men don't beat women), according to his family, would never do this. Guess what kids? He's just another piece of garbage who doesn't deserve a girlfriend in the first place. Secondly, he's just 19 with money and a great career (I wouldn't know his songs to save my life) ahead of him and he may have ruined it by his cowardice. He of course has apologized, yawn, and is vowing to get help. As for Rihanna, rumors are that this abuse has been happening awhile. I understand, from reading, that women can have problems escaping these abusive relationships mostly due to fear for their lives. Was this her reason for staying? I don't know. Because they are celebrities we hear about this story. I have no say in their or anybody elses lives yet here I am commenting on it. Rihanna dump his sorry weak integrity ass and get a real man. I write this today and saw this blurb earlier, against her family and friend's wishes Rihanna has moved back in with Chris Brown. OJ, make room company is coming.
Drew Peterson's on again, off again, on again, off again, on again, off again engagement is on again. I say we all crash the wedding this summer. Who's in?
Roland Burris looked in a mirror and saw Rod Blagojevich. When does his achievements tour kickoff?
The stimulus bill is signed, $795bb. Foreclosure plan enacted, $75bb. Living in the USA, priceless.