Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Octomom Rated XXX?

It has been a bit slow for blog topics the past few days. Yes there is plenty on Octomom but she has some serious mental issues which are contributing factors to her predicament. Even sadder to me is how many people make comments that hope she dies or should be killed. Why? She's still human.

Then I saw this today and realized the circus isn't over:

Major porn distributor Vivid Entertainment has just fired off a letter to Nadya Suleman, offering her 1 million bucks to star in a skin flick of her own. Vivid is willing to go one step further, by telling us they'll give her family full medical and dental insurance if she becomes a "contract girl"... meaning she'll have to do multiple videos.

Should this woman accept this her kids will be taken away so fast the deal would be worthless. I do not support any of her actions but if she accepts this offer any sympathy she's getting will also be lost.


Mark Ploch said...

But, she'll be off welfare. I'm still waited for the porn industry to ask for a bail out.

Anonymous said...

This is the attention she has wanted. The book deals are only $40,000 which won't even cover one kid. She should take the deal and take the stress off her parents who are almost in financial ruin trying to help her.
I do feel she has mental issues, but if they let her keep the kids, she should do this.

Scott Plocharczyk said...

The porn industry has asked for a bailout.
Her parents should have intervened after kid two.

Tara said...

Her parent's really couldn't intervene... they could have thrown her on her ass and forced her to step up and care for the ones she had though. It appears the mother had told her enough was enough before. Have you seen the video of the two of them? She basically admits she has every intention of doing nothing collecting welfare.

This story so pi$$es me off on so many levels for so many reasons. I think they should take those babies away but I would never wish her or anyone dead. She is human but a poor example of a mother. She is a burden to the tax payers and what she really needs is some mental help.

I still want to know how one can collect welfare while being able to afford IVF and hire publicists and marketing firms.

Scott Plocharczyk said...

Tara I think the IVF, publicists and marketing firms are free. It's advertising for them.

I still believe her parents could have forced her into treatment, especially since she lived with them.

Finally, I think her parents are eating up this publicity as well. I bet they keep their house.

Tara said...

You're right, the publicist was probably free- that's why he dumped her like a bad habit when he realized it was not going to get him the fee he was hoping for.

I am fairly certain, not positive but pretty sure IVF is expensive.

I don't know what to think of the parents- they are kind of between a rock and hard place. They should have done something but bottom line this woman is an adult, and there comes a time to grow up and take responsibility for yourself and let your parents off the hook. She hid the pregnancy until she couldn't. The mother seems to be the one raising the first 6 kids. I can sit here and say the mother should have tossed octomom to the curb but I can also think well what would happen to those 6 kids if she had... the octomom is obviously very unstable and unable to support them and being over 18, they could have encouraged her to seek help but could not force it.

I see that hospital is threatening to not release her babies to her- I really hope they don't. They should given to stable people with the means to support them.

I hate to sound heartless, but she did this KNOWING she was unable to care for the kids she has... this wasn't an oops, this was purposeful. She didn't just lose her job or hit hard times, she already was letting the taxpayers support her family and figured what the hell why not have more?

A good mother cares for her children and wants what is best for them. Adding 8 more when there isn't enough of you to go around in the first place, doesn't fit that bill, IMHO.

Scott Plocharczyk said...

Your last two paragraphs are the result of her mental condition. I would think a person of sound mind could realize you don't have 8 more babies to go with 6 you can't afford now.

You are far from heartless, you're sane she's not. Even if she gives them up the state will have to pay for them.

Tara said...

Well the sane part is debatable :P

Tara said...

Oh and you need a follow button too. I think it's your state. All my blogs update in Yahoo, expect yours, Mark's and another friend in IL. That and yahoo hates me.

Scott Plocharczyk said...

I have added the button